The psycodelic 60's sexyness

The 60's was the decade of "peace and love"... what we want to talk about is the "love" side of the sentence. There was a big boom of love (read "sex") and freedom... it was everywhere in the 60's, including fashion.

Men finally reached the moon, big feminist manifestation, homosexual freedom, Hippies and the psychedelic explosion... and how it reflects in the fashion business? With cute space dresses, androgyny style in fashion, colorful outfits and mini skirts as we see in films such as Barbarella and also in fashion ads by biggest top model at the time: Twiggy.

From time to time the 60's become a trend again. Lacoste for example still keeps the short 60's dress in their collections as it's an eternal girly item that will always have fans around the World.

I just wish it could happen more often, as I'm a big fan of the sexiness and cuteness of the 60's style... in our days sometimes it's forgotten and sometimes tagged as cheap or takki... what happened to all that "peace", and mostly what happened to the "love" in fashion?